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September 2024 ICANN Board Workshop Preview

4 September 2024

The ICANN Board of Directors will convene this week in Los Angeles to begin to prepare for ICANN's upcoming Annual General Meeting, taking place at ICANN81 in Istanbul, Republic of Türkiye, in November 2024. This week we will continue our work on critical initiatives such as the New Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) Program: Next Round and the Registration Data Request Service.

Here are several topics we will be discussing during the Board Workshop taking place 6–8 September 2024:

The Next Round

The Board will take up the topic of using private auctions to resolve contention sets in the New gTLD Program: Next Round and hopes to make a decision on this critical issue. Guided by recommendations from the Final Report on the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process, and taking into account the advice issued by the Governmental Advisory Committee and At-Large Advisory Committee, as well as the recent community consultation on this topic, the Board will explore options for how the ICANN organization should move forward with implementation.

The Board expects to continue discussion of whether to use a portion of the 2012 New gTLD auction proceeds to fund the New gTLD Applicant Support Program in the next round. We appreciate the input we received on this topic from the At-Large Advisory Committee, the Business Constituency, and Public Interest Registry. The Board plans to make a decision on this topic during the upcoming workshop.

The Board is planning to review relevant open Advisory Committee items for the next round during the workshop. It also intends to address the pending recommendation from the Internationalized Domain Names Expedited Policy Development Process Phase 1 that impacts the implementation of the next round.

Registration Data Request Service

The Board will receive an update on RDRS operations, including reviewing enhancements to the RDRS system and metrics, as well as a deeper analysis of the data that the Board requested in our last workshop. I expect the main focus to be on determining whether the Board has what it needs to take action on the policy recommendations regarding the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure. We also intend to plan for further discussions to assess the RDRS with the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council and/or the GNSO Standing Committee.

Pilot Holistic Review

The Board will receive an update on the community work to appoint the Pilot Holistic Review Team and other preparations for the start of this review later in September. The Board will review the proposed operating standards, which will guide the review team’s work, and consider the recommendation from the Board’s Organizational Effectiveness Committee to approve these standards.

Audit Training

Before the official start of the Board workshop, the Board Audit Committee will attend an annual training that focuses on each committee member's role and highlights best practices for audit committees. The session will include a discussion of audit committee effectiveness, current trends, and priority-setting methods.

The September workshop will conclude with a Board Meeting, for which the agenda is available on the Board Activities and Meetings page.


Tripti Sinha

Tripti Sinha

ICANN Board Chair