Policy Update - The Policy Department invites you to receive monthly updates on ICANN policy development activities through a free online subscription to the ICANN Policy Update. To subscribe, simply visit the ICANN Subscriptions page, enter your e-mail address, and then click on the ICANN Policy Update. Issues of the Policy Update are also posted here for your information and reference.
- Policy recommendations are formed and refined by the ICANN community through its Supporting Organizations (SOs) and influenced by Advisory Committees (ACs) – all comprised of volunteers from countries and territories – in a "bottom-up," open and transparent process.
- Each Supporting Organization has its own specific process to conduct policy development. For the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) this is process is outlined in Annex A of the ICANN Bylaws, for the Country Code Supporting Organization (ccNSO) it is contained in Annex B of the ICANN Bylaws, for the Address Supporting Organization (ASO) it is laid out in the Memorandum of Understanding.
- A sample of ICANN stakeholders includes companies that offer domain names to the public (registrars), companies that operate top-level domain registries (gTLD and ccTLD registries), Internet Service Providers, intellectual property interests, business users, non-commercial users (such as academics, non-governmental organizations, non-profits and consumer advocates), individual Internet users and governments.
- For details of policy processes, please visit the respective SO/AC websites: