Registrar Mergers
If an ICANN-accredited registrar is involved in a merger, the registrar must provide ICANN with notice of the merger.
A registrar merger transaction could take two forms:
- A merger of two ICANN-accredited registrars. In this instance, the registrars would merge into one ICANN-accredited registrar entity and the accreditation for the entity that ceases to exist would be terminated.
- A merger of one ICANN-accredited registrar and a non-accredited entity. In this instance, the successor entity would remain or become (as applicable) ICANN-accredited.
For either type of merger, the registrar(s) must submit the following documentation to ICANN via courier or fax, or by email to
- A copy of the corporate merger agreement (which may be redacted to exclude confidential terms);
- Proof of incorporation and good-standing from the applicable business registration authority;
- The primary contact update form [PDF, 638 KB] (if changes are required); and
- As applicable:
- For registrars on the 2009 RAA, a list of the registrar's officers and directors;
- For registrars on the 2013 RAA, an updated Registrar Information Specification form [XLSX, 111 KB].