Public Comment
ICANN Draft Five-Year Operating Plan
Open Date
11 November 2014 23:59 UTC
Close Date
12 December 2014 23:59 UTC
Staff Report Due
30 January 2015 23:59 UTC
Brief Overview
In line with ICANN's commitment to the multi-stakeholder model, the ICANN Draft Five-Year Operating Plan (Version 1 FY2016-FY2020) [PDF, 1.04 MB] is provided for community discussion and public comment. ICANN is seeking general feedback, as well as input Planning Calendar - community roles and responsibilities; Goal level - Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Dependencies and phasing activities from FY16-FY20 plus the Five Year Financial Model. Your responses will help inform ICANN's Five-Year Operating Plan and ICANN's annual operating plans and budget.
Section I: Description and Explanation
We are seeking input on the Draft Five-Year Operating Plan which contains the following:
Five-year planning calendar; strategic goals with corresponding key performance indicators, dependencies, five-year phasing and list of portfolios; and five year financial model. Your responses will help inform ICANN's Five-Year Operating Plan and ICANN's annual Operating Plan and Budget.
Below is the calendar for the ICANN Five Year Operating Plan development:
Section II: Background
The ICANN planning process is continuous and allows for an overlapping of its three components:
- Strategic Plan, which is developed with community input and is updated every five years. This Strategic Plan will shape our priorities, inform our budget and drive our activities. ICANN's Strategic Plan for FY2016-FY2020 was approved by the Board and published on 14 October 2014.
- Five-Year Operating Plan, which is developed with community input and is updated yearly. Containing Five Year Planning Calendar, at the Goal level: corresponding Key Performance Indicators, Risks, Dependencies, and their 5-Year Phasing, and a list of Portfolios plus a Financial Model.
- Annual Operating Plan and Budget, which is derived from the Five-Year Operating Plan along with input from the community.
Section III: Relevant Resources
- Planning Process:
- Approved Strategic Plan: [PDF, 1.64 MB]
- Financial Information:
Section IV: Additional Information
A session on Strategic and Operating Planning held at the ICANN 51 in Los Angeles – see for further details.
Fadi Chehade's (President and CEO) opening address at ICANN 51:
Comments Closed
Report of Public Comments