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We Need Your Input on the Next Five-Year Plans

15 July 2024
By and Chris Chapman

We are pleased that the ICANN Board of Directors' efforts over the past year are culminating in a draft ICANN Strategic Plan for the next five years. Throughout this process, we have received extensive input from across the ICANN community, which is critical to effectively planning for our future. As co-chairs of the ICANN Board Strategic Planning Committee (BSPC), we thank everyone for their contributions to date.

The Board will publish the draft plans for Public Comment on 23 July 2024. Shortly thereafter, the BSPC will host two webinars, on 30 July and 31 July, to run through the draft plans and the Public Comment process, and respond to any immediate questions. To register, please click on your preferred webinar time:

Webinar 1: Tuesday, 30 July, at 16:00 UTC
Webinar 2: Wednesday, 31 July, at 00:00 UTC

The ICANN Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2026–2030 presents a simplified yet comprehensive vision that balances clarity with depth, addressing the multifaceted needs of our stakeholders. ICANN's dedication to stakeholder engagement and continuous improvement should ensure that we not only meet the needs of today but also anticipate the demands of tomorrow.

The Strategic Plan is complemented by a five-year Operating Plan, which details the key activities required to deliver on the Strategic Plan. This approach should therefore also ensure that the Strategic Plan, while bold, is achievable, providing a clear path forward for ICANN's continued growth and success.

The Public Comment proceeding will be open until 17 September 2024, and we encourage everyone to provide feedback. Your insights will be critical in refining the plans to ensure they align with our mission and effectively address the needs of the community.

This Public Comment proceeding will use a Guided Submission Form that is designed to help you provide structured feedback on the draft Strategic Plan and Operating Plan. Your submissions will be thoroughly reviewed and analyzed, and the plans will be adjusted accordingly. On behalf of the BSPC, we look forward to your contributions.


Maarten Botterman

Maarten Botterman

ICANN Board Member
Chris Chapman

Chris Chapman

ICANN Board Member