The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) today announced that the Contractual Compliance team is now publishing its monthly reports online, as part of its mission is to preserve the security, stability, and resiliency of the Domain Name System (DNS) and to promote consumer trust. These reports summarize the function's activities during the month.
Currently, each month, the Contractual Compliance team submits these reports to the President and Chief Executive Officer of ICANN, Göran Marby, for his review. They are then shared with the ICANN Board. Going forward, these monthly reports will be published here.
Much of ICANN's work to keep the Internet safe is often unnoticed. The publication of these reports increases the level of transparency around ICANN's compliance activities. They are yet another example of how Contractual Compliance's work directly aligns with ICANN's mission to maintain the security and stability of the DNS. They are also a testament to how ICANN's multistakeholder model governs ICANN policy. These efforts demonstrate that community-developed policies are implemented and enforced.
The Contractual Compliance team also makes publicly available other valuable resources documenting its efforts. It maintains a Monthly Dashboard, which includes information regarding complaints received and addressed, including those concerning reports of DNS security threats (phishing, malware, and botnets). It also publishes information about its audit program, including the most recent reports of audits of registry and registrar compliance with DNS security-threat obligations. Information about the audit program is available here. All the contractual compliance notices here and its reports here.
If you want to learn more about ICANN's Contractual Compliance work, please access our videos and infographics available in all U.N. languages here.