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ICANN Public Comment Proceeding: Root Zone Label Generation Rules Version 5

24 March 2022

Link to Public Comment Proceeding: https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/proceeding/root-zone-label-generation-rules-version-5-rz-lgr-5-24-03-2022

What We Need Your Input On

Recently, the Generation Panels (GPs) for Greek, Latin, Japanese, Korean, and Myanmar scripts have finalized their proposals for Root Zone Label Generation Rules (RZ-LGR) after Public Comment. In addition, the Armenian and Cyrillic script GPs have also finalized their proposals, which were deferred from including them in RZ-LGR by the Integration Panel (IP), because they were related to Greek and Latin scripts.

The IP has successfully evaluated the RZ-LGR proposals for these scripts and integrated them, along with other scripts into the current RZ-LGR version, to develop the fifth version (RZ-LGR-5). As per the LGR Procedure, RZ-LGR-5 is being released for Public Comment to gather community feedback for its finalization. Proposals for additional scripts will be integrated into future versions of RZ-LGR.


Community-based GPs organize and develop proposals for the RZ-LGR for their respective scripts or writing systems as per the LGR Procedure. In doing so, the GPs may need to coordinate efforts with other GPs whenever their repertoires either overlap or are closely related. Script proposals are finalized after Public Comment proceedings and then are submitted to the Integration Panel (IP) for evaluation. The successfully evaluated proposals are integrated into the next version of RZ-LGR.

In the LGR Procedure, it states that the IP creates a set of recommended rules that integrates all the approved proposals from the GPs. When the IP has created such a set, it is posted for Public Comment using the prevailing ICANN procedures. At the end of the Public Comment period, the IP receives and reviews the Public Comment to finalize the LGR. The resulting rules become the RZ-LGR. RZ-LGR-5 covers the following scripts: Arabic, Armenian, Bangla, Chinese (Han), Cyrillic, Devanagari, Ethiopic, Georgian, Greek, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Hebrew, Japanese [Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji (Han)], Kannada, Khmer, Korean [Hangul and Hanja (Han)], Lao, Latin, Malayalam, Myanmar, Oriya, Sinhala, Tamil, Telugu, and Thai.

Next Steps

As per the LGR Procedure, RZ-LGR-5 is being released for Public Comment to gather community feedback for its finalization. Proposals for additional scripts will be integrated into future versions of RZ-LGR.


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