Alan Greenberg, a long-time member of the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC), has been selected as the next ALAC Chair.
Greenberg replaces Olivier Crépin-Leblond, who has served as ALAC Chair since December 2010. He will begin a one-year, renewable term on October 16, 2014 during the ICANN51 Meeting in Los Angeles.
"ALAC represents the interests of Internet users," said Greenberg. "We do that through identifying people around the world who have an interest in ICANN, the Internet, and the user perspective… and the challenge is then to make that really work."
Greenberg was appointed to the ALAC by the Nominating Committee for the terms 2006-2008, 2008-2010, 2012-2014 and will begin a fourth two-year term at ICANN 51.
In addition to serving on the ALAC, Greenberg has served as the ALAC Liaison to the GNSO between 2006 through 2014.
In addition to his experience with At-Large, Greenberg recently served on the second Accountability Transparency Review Team (ATRT2), representing the ALAC perspective on ICANN's overall accountability and transparency.
Greenberg has more than 45 years of experience with computing and networking technologies. For much of his career, he worked for McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Over the years, this included software design and development, education technology support, management and policy development. He was one of a handful of people who brought the Internet and its predecessor networks to Canada and worked on a variety of Canadian and international networking initiatives. He has taught courses in computer architecture and design, as well as managed the Internet Society (ISOC) workshops which taught personnel from 150 developing countries how to build, support, manage and use the Internet in their countries. He was also an elected member of the ISOC Board of Trustees from 2001-2004.
After his retirement from McGill, he continued to focus on the effective use of technology in developing countries. Projects included how to effectively spread the use of technology to benefit the country and its people; and a study of the linkages between technology and poverty, and how technologies can be effectively used for poverty alleviation, and how web and specifically mobile technologies can benefit developing populations.
Throughout his career, he has focused on how technology can be made accessible to the widest possible audience and the empowerment of people through the use of technology.
Greenberg holds a BSc degree in Mathematics and Physics, and an MSc in Computer Science, both from McGill University.
To watch a video interview of Alan Greenberg, go here: